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Monk~koknee 4:32 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
Although it beggars belief that MPI could have made such a schoolboy error at least with his mod capabilities he is able to re-write history as if this never happened.

All he will need to do is to 'fix' things so it appears that his thread was posted before Polite's. Simple.

one iron 8:40 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
It takes aboy years to get over being let go, both my boys played for westham 5 years in total, now both at a great non league club corinthian casuals.all the boys play for no money but love the club,fans are great, dont stop singing for 90 mins.and everyones made welcome.german team looking at dan hes a gk,told hes one of the best gks in non league football, sometimes you have to go down to build up again.seeing my boys broken hearted when let go was like having my heart ripped out, i now how you felt.

Coffee 8:43 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
"sometimes you have to go down to build up again"

Exactly. Hope young Bywater can fully develop his potential and will not let this disappointment stop his career.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:01 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
*Wanders back in*

Tell you what........

....that Maiga is a bit shit isn't he.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:06 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
PS I have missed you guys there are plenty of Cunts on facebook, but they are cunts by accident.

You lot really put the work in.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:10 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
To sum up:

My son didn't make it -whine.

And if this is all down to Allardyce and his mates then presumably there is now nothing to prevent to club re-signing the lad.

The Bard 11:16 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
Who posts an article on LinkedIn.


whittlesea hammer 1:36 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
well Long article I actually know this lad as sold him a car 2 years ago ( nothing flash ) he is a very likable lad polite and enthusiastic about West Ham and football the same as his father . After selling him the vehicle started to check the u21 reports and its there for everybody to see a bright future scores goals rellying doing well, so maybe a bit of truth in the article ,hope he does well and it dosnt come back to haunt us, not sure Peterborough is that rural lol.

franksfat&slow&wank 2:25 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
if he made it i wonder if he'd had done the same interview

Dr Congo 2:34 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
Not read the whole thing, but it's crazy to take on that amount of travel with a kid that young just to go to a premier club.

Staffs-Hammer 2:53 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
Read about 3-quarters of that. What I don't get is the following:

"At 15years old there was even a suggestion by staff that he might be selected for England Schoolboys. I was unhappy about this as it built hopes up of probable trials which didn’t materialise as he was ill with tonsillitis in the match the representative from England attended and was not asked for trials."

That reads to me that he was upset that his son may have been being considered to represent England and was then upset because he was ill and didn't get a trial as a result? In fairness, I may be misunderstanding this as it's not very well punctuated.

If the guy feels he has a legitimate complaint to make against the club then I assume there are official channels he should be going through rather than making veiled attacks on social media.

Dr Congo 3:43 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
I read it as meaning they shouldn't have raised the possibility of England because it's too hard to handle if you come up short. But it's a lesson all kids would have to learn at some point.

one iron 4:09 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
When you have kids you can protect them in most things, when a boy gets released, you feel it because you can do nothing to help them ,only saying keep going,prove them wrong,unless you have been in this position, you wont know how it feels.it hurt me because we are all westham mad in my family, when we went out of the gates at chadwell heath i felt a feeling in my stomach that i dont want to feel again.

nicola99 5:59 Wed Aug 26
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
My son is in a performance team albeit in another sport. If they are good enough they will eventually make the break through even with set backs on the way. The problem is most kids and nearly all parents react badly to the set backs (me included!) and this makes it doubly hard to make the bounce back.
If the kids want it they will continue to work hard, if they don't they will always find an excuse.
Sport is a tough and selfish world.

hammerforever 1:08 Thu Aug 27
Re: The dark side ot Football Youth academies (Long Article by father of Kieran Bywater
Just read that Sam Westley is going on loan to a club in Holland. Wonder if they have seen him play?


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